London based. American grown. Globally minded.
I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts who spent years working in a range of industries from education and industrial design to commercial marketing and video games. Each of these experiences gave me new skills and perspectives, but traditional jobs were too small to contain me and my insatiable drive to push creative boundaries.
To keep moving forward I would need to forge my own path, without shackles, encompassing all the skills I have at my disposal.
I grew tired of hearing the same myths repeated—art and tech don’t mix, traditional study is the best way to learn, and my favourite, femmes don’t do STEM—so I decided to prove them all wrong.
I get my hands dirty. I build things from scratch. I prototype and iterate and obsess over getting the design just right. I’m an inventor with a keen aesthetic eye who has turned being an autodidact into a superpower.
My creations are wildly diverse, ranging from a high fashion LED necklace that fight air pollution to a life-sized Adventure Time character who controls 3D printers. My work has been covered by publications such as Make Magazine, Tom’s Hardware, Hackaday, and Hackspace. I’ve made appearances on popular YouTube channels Kids Invent Stuff and 3D Printing Nerd alongside speaking for organizations like Microsoft’s The Garage and Girls Into Coding.
Companies who have commissioned my expertise include SparkFun, Polygona, E3D, Wham Bam Systems, RS Components/DesignSpark, and Riverward Games to name a few.
A part of that expertise is around planning to accommodate for the many instead of the few. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to build and flex their creative muscles, so I approach many of my projects with the intention of making them Open Source and with Accessibility Design Principles at their core. I am also passionate about passing along knowledge to others who might not have the ability to access it through other means which is why I often collaborate with organisations who are furthering interest in STEAM fields for kids, young adults, and marginalized identities.
You can also find me on:
If you’d like to hire me for commissions, speaking engagements, project sponsorship,
or other such inquiries then head over to my CONTACT page.